Football 101 - The Basics of Football
The game of football can seem very confusing if you don't know the rules, but actually, the basics of the game are very simple. Check out the following sections and you'll be watching football like an expert in no time.
Keep in mind, these instructions are written for the person with little or no football knowledge.
- The Field
Learn the dimensions of the playing field as well as many of the basic terms associated with a football field.
- The Teams
Each team is comprised of an offense, defense, and special teams.
- Object of the Game
What are all those guys running around on the field trying to accomplish?
- Beginning the Game
Know what's going on right from the opening kickoff!
- Down and Distance
If you can get a grasp on this section, the rest of the game will come with time!
- Methods of Scoring
Learn all the different ways to put points on the scoreboard!